Command-Line Chronicles: Unveiling Linux Magic🚀🔍

Command-Line Chronicles: Unveiling Linux Magic🚀🔍


2 min read

Hello, fellow tech adventurers! Today is Day 3 of our Linux command journey, and boy, are we diving into some juicy commands. Imagine you and I sitting in a tech-filled room, chatting about these essentials. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Peek into a File

Ever wanted to spy on what's inside a file? The cat command is like our backstage pass. Want to see what's in a file called example.txt?

cat example.txt

2. The Magic of Permissions

Now, let's talk magic spells for files – permissions. With the chmod command, you can make files dance to your tunes. For example, granting the owner read and write permissions:

chmod u+rw filename

3. The Memory Lane of Commands

Curious about the commands you've unleashed on the terminal so far? The history command is like a nostalgic trip down memory lane:


4. Bid Farewell to a Folder

Feeling a bit Marie Kondo and want to declutter? Say goodbye to a directory using the rmdir or rm command:

rmdir directory_name


rm -r directory_name

5. Fruits.txt Adventure

Picture this: We create a file named fruits.txt and spill the beans on our favorite fruits.

echo -e "Apple\nMango\nBanana\nCherry\nKiwi\nOrange\nGuava" > fruits.txt

cat fruits.txt

6. DevOps.txt Chronicle

For our DevOps journey, let's add some juicy content to devops.txt. One fruit per line, because why not?

echo -e "Apple\nMango\nBanana\nCherry\nKiwi\nOrange\nGuava" > devops.txt

7. The Top Three Fruits

Want only the crème de la crème from fruits.txt? The head command’s got you covered:

head -n 3 fruits.txt

8. The Bottom Three Fruits

But wait, what about the underdogs? The tail command unveils the bottom three from fruits.txt:

tail -n 3 fruits.txt

9. Colors.txt Voyage

Let’s paint our tech canvas with a file named Colors.txt. Ready to see the colors unfold?

echo -e "Red\nPink\nWhite\nBlack\nBlue\nOrange\nPurple\nGrey" > Colors.txt

cat Colors.txt

10. Spot the Differences

Want to play spot-the-difference between fruits.txt and Colors.txt? The diff command is your game master:

diff fruits.txt Colors.txt

Signing Off

Voila! Day 3 – conquered. These commands are like our tech brushes, painting vibrant pictures in the Linux canvas. Stay tuned for more tech tales and command-line capers!

Happy coding! 🚀🔍